Is brown discharge normal for 6 weeks 7 day ?

I'm very curious and scared 😢

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Brown discharge during the early stages of pregnancy, such as at 6 weeks and 7 days, can be common and usually not a cause for alarm. It is often attributed to old blood being expelled from the uterus. However, if you are feeling scared, it's always a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider to rule out any potential concerns and receive proper guidance and reassurance. In most cases, brown discharge is nothing to worry about, especially if it is light and not accompanied by cramping or severe pain. Keeping track of the amount and frequency of the discharge, as well as any other symptoms you may be experiencing, can help your doctor assess the situation more accurately. To alleviate your worries, make sure to stay well-hydrated, get plenty of rest, and avoid heavy lifting or strenuous activities. If you notice any changes in the discharge, such as a foul odor, heavy bleeding, or persistent discomfort, seek medical attention promptly. Remember that every pregnancy is unique, and it's normal to have concerns and questions along the way. Trusting your instincts and reaching out to your healthcare provider for guidance can help ensure a healthy and smooth pregnancy journey.

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I had it also.. suggest you highlight to your gynae. I highlighted to my gynae and she prescribed me utrogestan medicine

i had it too! see your gynae to get the duphaston


i had 😬

