Morning sickness early

Hi all. Im only 7dp5dt (did ivf) and im alr starting to feel unwell. Anyone experiencing the same? My heighten sense of smell and nausea, though occasional, today became slightly worse. Im rolling in bed. :/ any tips to curb the very uncomfy feeling? I did request for early beta hcg today and its 61.

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some can experience very early on... some throughout preg... some never... will differ with each pregnancy... alleviation of morning sickness have been known to vary greatly... if it gets too uncomfortable, do seek help from ur gynae 🙏💕

Hey how u doing? My HCG was 56 on 7dp5dt & went up to 202 on 11dp5dt, which is still low. Have first ultrasound on Friday, worried due to low hcg.

3mo ago

if it has double from the first u take should not be a problem