Baby fiddling Ear / Scalp

Im not sure how to describe but my 4.5 month old baby recently started to fiddle his hair/scalp right above the ear. It's like he is kind of scratching the spot. Only does on right side of head. No signs of irritability / distress and also no visible rashes. Is it normal? Went to google and results say might be ear infection / discovering got ears / teething but I'm not sure

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no visible rash should be just a passing phase. As long as no signs of irritability/distress like you said then probably is nothing to worry about. Otherwise you can bring this up during his next development checkup

Mine does this to self soothe esp when he’s sleepy! Totally normal. Even now at 13 months still do the same. I love it cause means he’ll nap soon😂

Best to check! What I thought was a normal rash turned out to be eczema for my 4.5 bb too :( Hope it’s nothing for your bb


can bring it up at next developmental check up for assurance/clarification

My baby still does this at 11 months when nearing her bed time!

Could be sleepy!