3 Replies

hi I'm in the same situation as you! also a teacher here. I managed to learn some tricks off the Internet and I hope it can help u too... I usually keep sweets in my pocket when I'm in class... everytime I feel sick I will quickly eat a couple of sweets... somehow the sugar works quite well as stop gap measure. maybe u can try... I changed my eating routine also. since I wake up at 530 am, I will quickly eat one pack of biscuits, reach school eat a piece of bread and keep dry snacks with me especially during back to back periods.... but ya, every opportunity I get I will munch on some fruits or bread... until school ends... take care!

honestly, I have sweets on standby because I give them out during lessons... I just munch on whatever I have with me. usually it's mentos fruity flavour or fruit plus. so far just one works quite well for me! you can also try vegetable biscuits. I find them more flavourful than meiji plain biscuits

It seems like you don’t have food aversion but have pretty good appetite, so it’s quite easy for your case you can just pack some food for standby like waffle/bread/fruits etc something easy to consume between these 2-4hours

Just reached 13 weeks and still having nausea and vomitting in the morning like you. Keeping meiji crackers and mints in my bag at all times helps alot.

hope you feel better soon! Meiji crackers are a lifesaver!

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