What if I used pregnancy unsafe skincare products / cosmetics

I’m in the middle of 2nd trimester and it just dawned on me that I might have used some pregnancy-unsafe beauty products (contains supposedly unsafe ingredients) in normal amounts, within my usual routine eg chemical sunscreen and moisturisers which contained salicylic acids.. I was sticking to my skincare/make up routines from pre-pregnancy without much thought. My gynae didn’t warn me specifically about skincare routine (I understand it’s also impossible for them to detail everything), I’m not sure to what extent I should worry about the complications of my ignorance… Any mommies ever went through the same, used products without knowing that it may be harmful.. did it really affect the baby badly? Are there further checks needed to make sure baby is ok? Any pregnancy safe products you’ll recommend? #firsttimemom

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Hi◡̈ Most “pregnancy unsafe” skin care ingredients lack any real scientific testing and evidence, usually people just err on the side of caution and avoid it based on studies done as oral medication or on animals etc. However, absorption for topical application is very different. So don’t need to beat yourself up about it! If you are worried you can change up your routine now ◡̈ Like the ladies mentioned, retinol products usually have a bad rep (though again, the studies were done based on high strength oral medication). I will also add in to avoid Hydroquinone products. You can watch this video for a super in depth explanation if you’re interested! https://youtu.be/itEiwQFMTYE?si=F8uJHOMgu_qQOuqH

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4mo ago

Thank you!! Yes some articles aren’t that clear on whether it’s specific to oral intake or topical application. Decided to just change out the routine where feasible :)