Severe tail bone pain
I'm having very severe tail bone pain... i cant walk much as the pain is very bad...Is it common ??,I'm currently on my 13 weeks

It’s normal as your organs are trying to make space for your baby.. Try to get rest in bed sideways for the time being till u feel better.. Don’t sit too much as when u sit, u are actually putting pressure to your tailbone.. It’s okay to use heat pad too but not long hours..
i also experienced severe tail bone pain when i was around week 23. I saw a physiotherapist who corrected my sitting posture. Gotta sit on your sit bone and not your tail bone - meaning cannot slouch, must sit up right. :) Hope you feel better soon.
I was only 4 weeks when I experience tailbone pain. For me walking or standing long is okay. It only hurts very bad when I’m seated for too long or lay down on bed for too long. Maybe I’m too active
Mumsy of 1 active prince