is it okay to bottle feed instead of breastfeeding?

im a ftm and my newborn’s almost a month old. ive tried breastfeeding during the first few weeks but stopped due to poor latch (due to inverted/flat nipple) that caused trauma to my nipples. im currently bottle feeding with BM and i cant help but feel guilty and super lost about not breastfeeding my LO. ive thought about seeing a lactation consultant but just didnt feel like it’s necessary. theres also concerns about going out and having to pump, making sure to feed just on time so the milk doesnt go to waste and stuff like that. #advicepls

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Hi! May I know where I can I get lactation consultant ? Thanks

1y ago

when i went for jaundice check up for my newborn, i told the nurse about my struggles and concerns and she gave me a contact (63553000, $40 for 40 mins session) but i havent had the chance to go so i cant really say whether theyve been helpful— maybe doing research on a lactation consult online will be better as reviews can be helpful. can try looking up Alona Hodik IBCLC, the reviews about her seem pretty great!