I'm a first time breastfeeding mom for #2 baby now at 1 week old only. past few days she was admitted due to jaundice & for that the nurses had fed her with bottled formula now the problem is after I got her back she doesn't want to latch on I'm suspecting she might be on nipple confusion already. I cld only get her to latch aft 30min of trying!!! i had to use nipple shield then only she will want to latch. I almost want to gave up.. meanwhile I'm feeding her breast milk in bottle which I've pumped or with nipple shield. how do I get her to latch on again w/o nipple shield?

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Hang in there mummy! One of my friends managed to "re-latch" (she had to stop breastfeeding for a while due to medical reasons) her baby after numerous tries. It was tough and disheartening but she persevered through and finally managed to do it. Her tip was simply try whenever possible. Even when baby refused the attempt, don't force the baby and try not to be discouraged. She also found that trying to breastfeed while baby is sleepy helps too as the feeding will be more instinctual and there is a higher chance of baby accepting the breast. Take care and all the best!!

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