How many diapers to buy
Im expecting a baby boy soon, (yet to know baby’s weight as im still early 2nd trim) and wonder how many packs of NB and S size diapers do i need to standby? As i heard they grow quite fast scared i overbuy #firstbaby #FTM

my bb was born 2.6kg and thankfully we were given 2 packs on NB diapers as a gift. both packs are finished by our 2nd week and I’m currently using all the nb diaper samples received from baby fairs. my bb is 3.5kg now and he’s still using nb size as S is a tad big for him. so yea I do agree to have 2 packs as spare n wait till your bb is out to know the weight. all the best mummy & remember to collect sample diapers when you go for baby fairs😆
Read more2 packs of NB size will be good for standby, can easily buy more after baby is born. From my experience, 2 packs of 60 diapers last for 2-3 weeks, it’s quite fast as newborn poops a lot. I didn’t buy S size in advance, as I want to see first which brand of diaper is suitable for my baby.
Recommended diaper change for newborn is 5-6 times a day, so you can do your calculations as needed. As for me, I also didn't purchase any before baby born as hospital provided, Baby may be born big might need S instead of NB. My baby also out grew NB size in 2 weeks.
i didnt buy any until bb is out and back home as first pack hospital will provide. heard beforehand: - some babies have rashes for some different brands - baby weight matters, u wont know until bb is out so, its best to not stock up big bulk
Read moreSuggest to get samples and use those from hospital first. Dont stock up, as baby may not be used to the diapers you buy, and their weight growth is also not predictable. In fact, I tried 6 different brands before my baby finally settled on one.
my toddler used JB sized diapers when he was born, he weighed 2.7kg tho. one packet per week as he drinks alot of milk = pees alot! i actually bought about 15 packets of huggies JB and he used it up all in 3 months hehe
My baby girl was born 3.3kg. Used 5 packets of NB. She was on 100% breastmilk = poops alot. Almost 10 diapers daily. Changed her diaper every feeding (3hrs). S size seems too big for her even she weights ard 4kg+
just a few pcs only mummy.if not enough then buy again coz new born baby now a days so fast growing up.i am on my 3rd trimister and we buy only few pcs.I scared buy a lot after cant use it already
i bought 6 packs Huggies justborn for my newborn that weights 3.3kg when born as new born seems big for my bbg. As newborn poops n need to change diaper very often (due to sg hot weather too )
my bbg was born 2.6kg. diapers so far used 2×30 pcs, 6×60 pcs, now still using the 7th packet of 60 pcs nb diaper. she is almost 2 months old. i standby 3 packs × 60 pcs diapers