Pregnancy Insurance

Hello, I’m currently 11+ weeks pregnant and am exploring some maternity insurance. It’s my first pregnancy and am 30 years old this year. Just wondering if any mums have advice on whether I should buy maternity insurance since my FA did tell me it’s not necessary for me since I’m “still young”, might not have as many complications as ladies who are older and pregnant. But of course still up to my choice. Also any advice on which maternity insurance I should look at? Considering either GE, AIA or financial alliance. Thanks! #adviceplease #maternityinsurance

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huh, I don't quite agree with your agent though. isnt it a bit similar with life insurance? that we are young and unlikely to pass away, does that mean it's unnecessary? end of the day, insurance is very subjective and up to individual tolerance of risk. if you prefer to have some financial security for when things goes south (however do note that maternity covers only limited situations), then I'll say go for it. as for companies, I think plans now are generally quite competitive (each with have one strong point against competitors but I don't think there is a clearcut winner in terms of coverage/benefits), maybe it's more impt to find a good agent that you are comfortable with.

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11mo ago

Hello! ◡̈ I’m with Prudential. And I disagree with your agents pov. I’ve handled cases where bb either came out stillborn or with undetected congenital illnesses, which was really v sad. :( Maternity ins of course doesn’t help to alleviate these emotional pain, but at least in worse case, it does provide abit of financial assistance. But if not, as parents.. we can give our kids a head start of their life insurance. Can lmk if you wana have more Info. ☺️