Confinement lady or mom's help?

I'm considering whether there's a need to hire a confinement lady. Basically I want to take the first mth to really learn from someone experienced on taking care of baby and breastfeed etc, and help to cook proper meals as well. I believe my mom is more than willing to be around during the first few months after birth to help out in any way i ask. However my mom's not an experienced cook nor did she tk care of any grandchildren before, so I feel half hearted to have her to cook confinement recipes, do marketing, washing and all while caring for baby all by herself. Nor will she be staying overnight, would be so tiring! (I know there's also an option of ordering tingkats, I'm open to that too!) Was wondering if anyone has hired confinement lady before and at the same time have mom's extra pair of hands to help out at home? Ideally to also learn from confinement lady and 2nd mth onwards mom could help out further! Would love to hear your experiences or suggestions! #advicepls #1stimemom #firstbaby

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Hello! My hub and I got our parents help instead of engaging a CN. Many reasons such as cost savings (but we gave angbaos to our parents which is more than the CN cost), not wanting help for just a month and then subsequently we are on our own, keeping the parents involved while they still can etc etc. My mum helped to take care of the baby for the first 2-3 weeks as she has to go back to work. My in-laws will do the marketing and cook for some of the meals. My hub will cook as well. Basically, the food might not be the best confinement food, but my hub tried to watch some YouTube videos etc so that he could serve the dishes. For breastfeeding, i initially gave up on latching cos it was too painful until I engaged a LC. She told me to give it a try since my nipples had healed by the time she came. (I was pumping exclusively previously, so will engorgement rather easily.) After I started latching my LO for once or twice a day, I’ve not gone back to the LC for more than 4-5 weeks alrdy (I’m 2 months PP) Hope that the above will help u in ur decision making:)

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