41 weeks & induced
Im alrdy 41 weeks today. Had just induce but still baby is still so comfortable inside my stomach. I feel contractions on and off but im still stuck at 3cm since yesterday :(

If you can endure the pain continue to do so? Have they break you water bag? Did they put hormone drip to make contractions closer? If waterbag's broke by doctor and you feel the intense pain, you may request for jab, gas or epidural. You need to get rest otherwise if you are drain out of energy, you wont be able to push and ending up in OT for emergency C Section. However, if you can endure pain and stay long, you can continue to do so. There are some mummies that was induced and has been in labour from night till next day. For me first child induced at 41 weeks exact in the morning and only give birth next morning. I took epidural and I was vacuum assisted delivery. I was in labour about 17 hrs +/-
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