6 Replies

same here. it's my second pregnancy and I'm more gassy and bloated this time round. use ointment to rub my tummy. and I take sips of carbonated drinks just to help me to burp it out.

Unpopular opinion, I took simethicone pills to relieve gas and bloatedness. It’s safe for pregnancy and much more fast-acting than rubbing medicated oil on tummy.

I go the gym. When I have trapped gas after moving my body gas will just release from my body. Better than Gaviscon in my opinion

same here. bloated and nauseous. can't seem to eat much. how do you guys cope with work, working mummies?

I rubbed some oilment on my stomach and it helps to relieve the bloat

What ointments are pregnancy safe? I'm scared to use yuyee oil cos of the heat, not sure if it affects anything

my 3rd pregnancy too and feeling the same thing 🥲

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