Bleeding please help

I'm 7 weeks 4 days pregnant, I'm kinda worried now, as i realize there's a blood after having sex with my husband. About 1 hr later i thought was my discharge pregnancy issues, but i rush to the toilet and check it was watery blood. 😭 I did worried and angry at the same time with my husband. As my 5th pregnancy i don't feel wanted to have sex either. I'm using a pad right now. Im sure the blood still came out when i was putting the pad and washing up again. 😭😭😭 What symptoms is this 😭 I'm scared #pleasehelp #advicepls #pregnancy #ingintahu

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gynae told me still can have pregnancy sex until 7 month but also informed to stop if there is blood after sex but didn't say anything about it being serious tho. hopefully it goes away in a couple of days for you but in any doubts, suggest to consult your gynae ASAP. take care.

3y ago

thank you yes i did go kkh today my baby is fine but i need to take Dydroagesterone tablet till 2 weeks.