Mosquito bite prone?
I’m 6-7weeks pregnant and recently I’ve been getting so many mosquito bites. I live in Singapore. I read that pregnant woman are 2x likely to get mosquito bitten, but it’s like 10 bites every time I go out. Immediately. Is this normal and does anyone have some tips :(

Yes, due to our temperature when pregnant we attract mosquitos more. 😩 I wear the tiger balm mozzie patch, It works though not all the time. I also had like many electric blue bug lamp all over the house but it’s Not always effective because mozzie more attracted to me. Best to wear mosquito patch when out (not sure about spray and which is pregnancy safe). Now got dengue and Zika in a Singapore, so try n avoid places that got zika. Can check NEA website I think.
Read moreOh yes man, prepregnancy whenever I’m with my husband, he will definitely be the buffet, but after I’m pregnant, I became the buffet and tanked all the mosquito bites for him instead 😩. It’s normal.. You can try mosquito patches. I can’t recommend any since I don’t use them.
Thank you!
I m a mozzie magnet (tink blood grp plays a part). Going to zoo can be a nightmare. I put patches all over also useless. Recently i use my gal’s ceradan mozzie cream n it helps a little. But i tink it stays for 3hs for effectiveness.
Buy the ceradan mozzie cream. Haha. I m those u spray, put patch also no use kind.