Baby kicking
Hi all, im at 4 months pregnant now and have not felt a kick yet. My scan is next week and it has been 5 weeks since i last had a scan. I am anxious if they are doing fine? Or is it too early to feel a kick at 4months? 15 weeks to be exact.

If it's ur first child, it's still v early. I only started to feel soft kicks after 6 months for my first. Now with my 2nd I started to feel flutters at ard 5 mths +. 2nd time round you'll be much more aware and bump will likely show earlier too.
Hi. I had my first flutters at about 15 weeks. Not really a kick! It felt like something swooshing inside there especially after i eat/drink sugary things! Felt a more obvious kick/movements only as i enter third trimester!
I think I felt my bb movement at 16 week, like butterflies in the stomach. I heard eat something sweet and bb will move more. but becareful of sugar intake if you have GDM
Don’t worry. Understand how anxious you feel. If you’re a ftm, you probably won’t feel it so soon. I only start to feel gentle pulse like tapping towards 5 months.
I felt mine at 20 weeks only! I rmb my gynae said sometimes can only feel at 22 weeks too
I think I felt mine around 18-20 weeks. Still early, don't worry abt it!
No worries you won’t feel obvious movements till late 2nd trimester
don't worry..... 25 weeks onwards more kicks and consistent
I’m FTM, and I only started to feel something at week 18
15 weeks is too early.. 22 weeks for me