1 Replies

It is normal to give birth after EDD. My gynae also allowed me to wait for baby’s cue but I had to be induced at W40D3 due to low fluid. Never done any sweep or anything at all. Thankfully for my case, from admission till labour only took 6 hours. Things to note is that 1) Membrane sweep may not work for everyone. 2) If you choose to be induced, each pill will last 6 hours and a maximum of 3 pills will be given. If you (touchwood) did not manage to dilate within the 3 pills, you will have to undergo E-Csect. You can try exercising or having sex to see if you can dilate faster. Good luck! 😊

hi mummy, u manage to give birth of VBAC after the induce? I'm 39 week 5 days did 2 time membrane sweep mucus plug come out but I had a mild cramp. I have to come back again to check on my water level on my edd which is on Monday if still not giving birth the doc will induce me but I'm worried and scared to be induce as I scared to have another c sec.

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