Sleepless night.
Im at 22 weeks now,had very difficult time to sleep at night.But in the day time,i will feel very tiring.Lazing the whole day on bed doing nothing. Hardly to get proper sleep.Do any of u here have the same problem?What did u do to get to sleep?

me too. same birth month as yours ! Difficulty sleeping due to numb in the leg from sleeping on the side.. kept tossing and turning on bed to find a comfy position but still cannot...
Play boring games (puzzle) or watch dramas. 😅 If you’re not working, just sleep when you are tired. Once baby is out, sleep is non existent 😂
sounds like me... cos baby always moving every night esp start at 1am. daytime i also just laze around feeling unproductive T.T
Yeah!!Baby is very active during night time. Daytime feeling tired & keep lazing around but still cant sleep as the whole body aching.
Mama of 3 troublemaking cub