First pregnancy

Hi, I'm at my 13th week and having hiccups i think or air flow out and crampings on and off.. is it normal?

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Yes it’s normal The biggest cause is nausea and indigestion. When we are not digesting our food well, when we have just vomited, or when we feel about to vomit, we can start hiccuping. Although some of this can be avoided, if you are one of the unfortunate women who have persistent nausea throughout pregnancy, your hiccups might be just as persistent. But once your beautiful baby is born all of the symptoms disappear. Emotional stress and excitement can make you hiccup too. Even if your hiccups are caused by indigestion, they might be made worse by being too overexcited. Practicing meditation, has many benefits, for you and your baby. And taking the time to slow down and relax may allow those pesky hiccups to go away

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