Sorry to burst ur bubble but I was truly shocked and had it quite bad the first few months because my boy was ravenous and wanted to latch ALL day. Had to even bring him to the toilet otherwise he wl cry so badly. There were days when I cld hardly go to the toilet because he wld cry if I leave him. Even though I had my mom ard, I still cld hardly sleep. It really depends on the baby because my friend had it easy cz her girl was able to sleep on her own. For me, only aft 3 months things got better and baby was not so clingy and able to sleep in his cot on his own. Once I intro him to the bottle cz I had to come bck to work, I cld have abt 3-4 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night which was considered very good because before tt, it was just short naps. Not exaggerating. So pray hard tt ur baby is easier. I'm pregnant with my 2nd and hoping this time round, the girl is better than her brother😆
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