If your baby has fever, how long do you wait till you give Nurofen? I'm always worried about Nurofen. Especially after reading all the stories about Steven Johnson Syndrome.

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Here’s a guide on how to care for your baby when he/she is having a fever, provided by SingHealth: http://www.healthxchange.com.sg/healthyliving/childrenhealth/Pages/Remedies-for-Fever-in-Children.aspx If your baby is older than 3 months, try giving Paracetamol, every 4 hours if temperature is above 39°C and every 6 hours if temperature is less than 39°C. If that doesn’t work and your baby is older than one year old, try giving Ibuprofen or Diclofenac Na, if his/her temperature is persistently above 39°C (1-2 hours after paracetamol), every 6 hours for Ibuprofen and every 12 hours for Diclofenac Na. But do not give both medications as they are from the same class of medications. Also, do not give either if your baby has severe vomiting or bleeding disorder. Always consult a doctor if your child is: - Younger than 3 months old - feeding poorly, vomiting or lethargic - having difficulty breathing - drowsy - looking sicker than previously - having abdominal pain and discomfort - having a rash - having decreased urine output This article provided some suggestions of natural fever treatment for children: http://sg.theasianparent.com/fever-treatment-for-children-remedies-for-fever-in-children/

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Do not give nurofen until a doctor has prescribe your child the nurofen. Babies below 6 months are not to take nerofen. Usually whatever the temperature is, i will administer panadol first to bring down the temperature. After 4 hours from panadol, if the temperature is still 38.5 onwards(no signs of temperature dropping) I will proceed with feeding nurofen. Always keep a lookout of any differences after feeding nurofen. If baby is very sleepy or developing unknown rash, please go to the emergency department quick

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