Delivery at KKH - mandatory room-in and breastfeeding?

Hi, if anyone has delivered recently at KKH in 2022, can you please share the following? 1) Is the baby room-in policy enforced 24/7 and compulsory, or is it optional and parents can opt to have baby stay in nursery, and brought in every 2-3 hours for periodic visits. 2) Due to work reasons as well as previously poor experiences with breastfeeding (this upcoming delivery will be my third child), I will be opting to go with formula right from the start. Is KKH be supportive of mothers’ choice or will strictly enforce breastfeeding policies?

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from my experience 3 times c-section at kkh, they strongly encourage breastfeeding, even for us c-section moms. unless milk is really not coming in thn the nurse will give formula milk. from my last baby, the nurse gave formula next to me instead of bringing the baby in the nursury room to feed. dont know how it'll be now cause that was during CB, april 2020.

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