Hello Mummies! My due date on the ultra sound kept shifting as well as the number of weeks i am in.

Any Idea if I should stick to the EDD from my 8 weeks scan or the one from my current 16week scan?#1stimemom #advicepls

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Follow the latest and adjust on your own calendar settings (like Flo app if you’re using it). My LMP was 11 Oct 2021 and menses didn’t come at all, and I tested negative on 21 Nov but 2 BFPs on 6 Dec instead. So it was difficult for me to count backwards as I was super confused. When I went for my first scan on 20 Dec, my ultrasound indicated I was 5 weeks in and EDD was 22 Aug 2022. But 2nd scan on 18 Jan 2022 I was 10w 5d and EDD changed to 10 Aug and didn’t change until now I’m 35 weeks.

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The numbers during ultrasound are based on your baby’s rough measurements. Mine was always half a week to a week ahead of my EDD cos my bubs is a bit taller. Unless your baby is on the small side, then your doctor will advise you on how to help baby gain faster. 16 weeks is way too early to tell. In your last month or so, your doc will advise you more on your birthing options and also a better estimate of your delivery date

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mine keep shifting too. however, my gynae asked me to stick to the EDD at the 12 weeks scan. and that due date was actually very close to what I calculated based on my last menses period as well.

Stick to the first EDD. The future dates are adjusted based on baby’s size. 😃

doctor advise to keep with the initial EDD first until later part

Stick to the edd that your dr has confirmed.

First or second EDD