Empty sac at 6w

Hi. I just went for gynae check and only an empty gestational sac was found. Is this bad news? :/

Empty sac at 6w
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My #1 ard 5w+ also same, is a sac with a little circle. Gynae will probably ask u go back to scan again in 2 week. That's when u can see the fetal pole ?

Yes its normal as it might be lesser than 6 weeks. Your next scan in 2 weeks’ time should be clearer :)

My first visit I only saw yolksac and sac but 2 weeks later you will be able to see clearly :)

no it’s very normal, it’s too early to scan anything yet.

update at 7 weeks..

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8mo ago

when will be your next scan? i havent gone thru my 1st scan yet as its still early, dont know what to expect either.