2 Replies

hi! I'm also in week 9 now. Same, I experienced nauseousness in early few weeks and got so bad that I can't even think about food or even scroll Instagram, as everything was making me feel nauseous. I thought week 9-11 would be the peak. I experienced super gasy bloatedness week 7-9 and even my saliva was gasy! last few nights, I'm the same as you, once I lie down on bed at night, I feel something is wrong, like wan to vomit but can't vomit, but once I go to my recliner sofa I'm fine. So that's where I " sleep " till morning. Through the night I'm getting hungry too. Every 2 hours will get hungry and if I'm hungry I feel nauseous.

every week the situation changes. this week now I'm hungry every few hours. Previous weeks no appetite, every meal only can eat 3-4 mouths

I was diagnosed with hypermesis after speaking to my gynae. was throwing up morning till night. Now with certain medications and iv drips, i'll throw up once a day. You may want to speak to you gynae about your situation. I also adopted the B.R.A.T diet. Banana, toast, crackers etc. These dry food items helped to keep my food down. I hope your symptoms get better soon. Hang in there!

I was admitted overnight. the next day discharged

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