Mucus plug dropped and pink blood now for 1 day now. Should I wait or go hospital?

I am at week 38 now. My mucus plug came out not all at once but little by little twice, followed by little pink blood for a day and didnt stop. I do not have regular contraction, just some menstrual like cramp. Do I need to go hospital immediately? Any mummy experience pink blood like me? Is it normal?

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if you're not bleeding bright red, can continue as per normal, don't need go hospital. I had my bloody show a week back, and on and off contractions and cramps since then, and nope, baby still sitting comfortably inside, alrdy on 40+1, going to induce in 2 days alrdy.

8mo ago

ikr, same here. After a while,I realised its not getting any more painful, and the frequency is all over the place, so I stopped tracking. Will track it again when I'm not moving around so much