Do all mums need to be sleep deprived?

I was told that im not sleep deprived enough. I know she didn't mean to say it in a bad way but im just taken aback. Am i really selfish and ignorant to wanting better nights? LO is on mix feed. After 12MN we'll give her FM instead and i dont pump in the wee hours. I just want to function better in the morning but can't help to feel that im not doing enough. #1stimemom

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It’s really so tough to be consistent with pumping. I’m 5 months PP next week and have been exclusively pumping since the start, have been trying to reduce supply since 4 months as intending to stop pumping completely by 6 months. I’ve only been getting max 4 hours sleep in a stretch and intermittent sleep for the rest of the night since forever!! Tbh sleep is so impt who cares what other people think? They’re not you. Happy mommy = happy baby. Doesn’t matter how the baby is being fed as long as she is fed!!

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