Help needed !
I wanted to ask I’m currently 8 weeks pregnant and I have to wait till my next scan which is when I reach 9 weeks I’m worried about my baby’s heartbeat how would I know if my baby heartbeat is always pumping and healthy without any scans even when i don’t have any signs of blood jus normal pregnancy discharge

Hi. Do you have any symptoms? Pregnancy discharge white and transparent? I understand your anxiety but all u can do now is talk to your BB. when I was at week 8 to 10, my symptoms were quite bad. I had migraines and mother of all symptoms, vaginal bleed. I was admitted for awhile in kkh. I was given progesterone. BB had positive heartbeat all the way and I insisted on additional scans to feel assured. I had very vivid dreams at night, apparently I googled 😅 it is part of pregnancy. Now on my 33rd week and looking forward to delivery in 4 to 5 weeks time as BB boy is already quite big. at 2.3kg and counting
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FTM to a Bunny BB with a full lock of hair