6 Replies

I found out about my pregnancy at 5 weeks, first appt on 8 weeks. If you’re worried, can call in and ask if they can schedule you earlier or find another private gynae to consult first while waiting for your current appt.

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We had our first appointment at week 6. If you have any unusual symptoms like bleeding or spotting, call your gynae and schedule an earlier appointment.

Currently only on & off abdominal pain. Buy anyone knows any clinic that accept walk ins?

Managed to walk in & get it scan! Thanks all for the advise, now I can rest assure and wait till my appointment with the Gynae I selected

I found out when I’m pregnant at 4W+, gynae appointment booked at 6W+

I’m at 6weeks and my first appt is next week. Feeling nervous!

Hoping everything will be ok!! 🙌🏻

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