No fetal movement week 24
I started experiencing strong baby's kicks and movement in late week 23. However these few days I have not been able to feel the strong kicks from my baby.. I'm worried thats not normal.. did mummies experienced before? #pleasehelp #advicepls #firstbaby #FTM #fetalmovement

Sometimes it could be that you just did not pay attention when baby actually moves. It doesn't have to be strong, as long as it moves they are fine. Also you just need to pay attention to their schedule - like when they are active. Sometimes they move more when you are hungry (for example) and when you eat well they are more chill. Sometimes it could be because you got more bloated so your tummy has less space and it makes it difficult for you to feel its movements. Maybe try to feel your baby moving at night when you're going to bed. Try sleeping on different positions for a while, like lay on your left or right for a while, some positions can be easier to feel your baby. For me when I'm very active (weekdays when I go to work), baby moves a lot less. But during late nights, and weekends where I spend most of my time sleeping and lazing around, my baby loves to kick a lot.
Read moreAside from strong kicks, do you still feel any kind of movement ? If yes then thats already enough. It doesnt always have to be strong kicks, it can be soft kick, rolls, movements etc. as long as you feel it few times a day should be fine. However if you want reassurance, you can always go gynae to scan.
Read moreIt doesn’t need to be a kick all the time. It can easily be any rolls or swishes. If you experience these, it should be fine