32 weeks with insomnia and rls

I am now in week 32 and been having insomnia with leg and knee cramps since I am in my third month till today. For now I can only sleep late at night and waking up every 2 hours either for toilet or caused of the leg cramps. Been not going to work since last week as I felt really tired. Having back pains as well now. I just wish I can get HL till my maternity leave starts next month as I requested to go earlier. How do you supermums deal with this? How can I request for an HL? Been asking KKH for it since my last check up but failed as doctor says its their protocol not to issue HL if its outpatient. The thing is I have left with no MC and annual leave totally zero. Have any of you supermum having the same situation as me? Please share, thank you. #advicepls #pregnancy #1stimemom #firstbaby

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I didn’t ask for HL but I don’t think they issue HL anymore unless it’s high risk/complicated cases. Possible to request working from home instead or schedule the days you’ll be coming in to work? Especially during this period, I think it’s a lot safer for mummies-to-be to stay away from public as much and get enough rest before delivery.

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4y ago

Hi Adrianna. My job cant be done as wfh as I am working at a front desk. I did ask my boss whether I can wfh but its a no because no work will be done she said. I dont think work can be scheduled too as my workplace will need to find outsource when I am not around. Its okay I try to talk to gynae on my next check up again. Wish me best of luck. Good day to you Adrianna :)