Confinement food for ivf

Hi I would like to check if confinement food is good for mommies after the implantation/ pregnancy? Reason is because it’s quite hard for us to cook and yet we want to ensure the mummy is getting the right food she needs

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I'm having an IVF baby too, the first trimester diet is the same as a normal pregnancy. The difference is the gynae will prescribe medicines to help stabilise the pregnancy, I don't feel much different after implantation. Please note herbs are discouraged during pregnancy and some confinement food may actually be bad. Different food is for different stages of motherhood. Its good to double check this with the doctor, but I was suffering OHSS after extraction (they took out 26 eggs, I'm doing frozen embryo transfer) and the water retention got a lot better after my parents made red bean + barley drink and black bean + pork rib soup.

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Hi! I'm having IVF baby too. No need for confinement food. Just have balanced diet and that's fine. Also avoid strenuous activities. All the best!

I've 2 successful IVF, no need confinement meal as it's too heaty healthy and balance diet will do Good luck 😊