When do you start to show up for second pregnancy?

Hello! May i know how early do you all show up for second pregnancy? I'm asking coz i'm only at 6 weeks but colleagues (i'm in Early Childhood sector and colleagues that are from other classes) are starting to ask if i'm expecting.. I personally don't think i'm showing that obvious at this point.. Although i read that it's possible to show up earlier for second pregnancy but i don't think it's as early as now. I wore loose clothings just like how i was as before. I haven't let my management knows too, planning to tell im about 2 weeks as i went for a scan few days ago and only yolk sac was seen, heartbeat not yet, probably can only be seen next visit. I want to keep it as low as possible as this will be my rainbow baby but it can get quite overwhelming 😅

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Second LO one too! I’m starting to show at 9 weeks currently. Still haven’t told immediate family members but they are definitely suspecting because of how isolated I’ve been due to the nausea and gagging😅

About 8-10 weeks can see bump