3 Balas

u can try Dutch baby ,, alhamdulillah for now baby okay with it..u need try and error,, make sure u follow how to make milk at the label packet ,,if not okay u can use dumex,,try to buy minipack first

sorry to hear that..but for fm, its really a try and error situation. my advice, start with the "mesra poket" fm. do not buy the expensive one. or u can seek for doctor advice.

hi its been a month, how’s ur baby progress? ur bby still with GE / normal enfalac ?or u have change to different FM?

Hi there. Unfortunately my baby couldn’t accept any formula milk and I had to give her breast milk. Sometimes it’s not enough and I had to rock her to sleep. But luckily once she turned 6 months, soild food came to the rescue and as the gap increased, my breast milk also increased and enough for the feeding. If you’re trying to introduce fm to your baby, I wish you all the luck mommy! Unfortunately mine can’t take it.

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