Does having children ruin a marriage?

I have heard from many friends that once the baby came along the priority becomes the kids and ultimately the marriage does change and get worse for many years. Is that true in your experience?#1stimemom

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Having a child is a blessing from god . It supposed to change the marriage into the most wonderful thing ever . Some of the people out there who wants to conceive a child but didn’t get a chance to can also change the marriage . Man cheats because wife can’t get pregnant , woman cheats because husband can’t give them a baby . Everything have to be balance , when you have time with your partner do something meaningful like you always does before having a child . Never neglect them because that’s when they will start to think negative .

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honestly, you child can be the reason you and your husband quarrel but they are also the reason you can patch things up easily. whether it will ruin the marriage has to depend on both party eventually when the child is born your attention will go to baby. that's when you start neglecting each other. I think most importantly is keeping the sparks there despite tiredness stress etc. make sure you both make time out for each other. communication very important

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That is absolutely not true. Every child is a blessing. Our relationship is more happier and strengthen when our first baby is born. You just have to be open to your partner. Good communication is very important in every relationship.

having a child is a bliss and blessing however if u add things like inlaws issue, personal boundaries and balancing your marriage, it can definitely take a toll. But nope kids dont ruin a marriage. We adults ruin it ourself

it's how you and your spouse balance it