What does Epidural feel like
I have decided to get epidural when im giving birth in weeks to come. How does epidural feels like? Is it painful when they insert it ? I read quite a few say it feels like current going down the legs. And any side effect afterwards? Like shivering etc? If we’re shivering, will it affect us when trying to push ? #FTM

Depends on what you think. Epidural will make you feel numb from lower part of the body till feet. Side effects will be fever, shivering, rashes (you can see through google) Epidural may/may not work on some people. So result will not be same. Once you take epidural, you will be ask to rest while reserving those energy until you are ready to push. But, subject to situation in labour. Previously in NUH/KKH I took it for both pregnancy. However, for my first I manage to sleep and rest. But, my second I am not able to as I was ready to push out when they were putting on the epidural. Before taking epidural, they will also ask you to sign the paper of consent. Any side effects? You will feel pain and stiff at epidural area once birth and in the long run esp when it is cold. But, like I mentioned result/after effect subject to individual.
Read moreto be honest, i was in so much pain that when they do the epidural i dun feel anything. just make sure u doesnt move when they are injecting the needle at the back. aft awhile the effects kick in and im like in heaven. no pain at all and i can finally sleep in peace. no shivering but i did vomit a few times, which is better than contraction pain. when giving birth, u actually will feel abit of pain so u can push. but my leg still couldn't really move, really numb.
Read moreOnce epidural is in, you’ll become a vibrator. I think my dose was higher so I lost control of my left leg, it went jelly and I couldn’t lift or move that leg at all by myself. Non stop shivering, doesn’t really affect pushing but the moment after you give birth….non stop vomiting. I didn’t feel anything when they insert since I’m on laughing gas (I was high on it and floating).
Read moreEpidural just makes my bottom half feels numb.. they inject the anesthesia before injecting epidural, so no pain or wadsoever. No current going down my legs etc, it’s the best Jab I’ve had, coz the dilation check is no longer painful..!! (I induce for 3 days before Emergency Csect)
The pain is just the initial part, during the insertion. I think the contractions are more painful than the epidural procedure itself. BUT, it comes with a price. Backache during/after postpartum for me. Somehow my back hurts.
I couldnt feel pushing at all to be honest. Could be result or taking v late also. For me i didnt have any side effect and asked if i could eat right after 😂😂
A wife, a mom to a 16mths old toddler & an educator.