How do you use your maternity leave?
I have to confirm to my company when I intend to start my maternity leave. I was encouraged by the HR (guy) to take it a week before the EDD and not to share any days with my husband as I will need all the rest I can get before and after. I was instead thinking of working right up until I get contractions (I'll request to work from home) and giving 2 weeks to the hubs so he can help out 1 week after the nanny has left and 1 week after I return to work. Would you have any advice please? Thank you. #1stimemom

have to clear my leave anyway, so took my leave 2 weeks before delivery. took my 2 months ml and ccl and 2 months again cause need to clear ccl or else forfeited this yr. provided your hubby will help and not like my friends who took leave and play with their hp only ...I rather use it for myself to rest more. my hubby is already those very hands on person but if asking him to take care for 1 week without involving me he will give up so I rather use the leave for myself haha
Read moreIf you have annual leave, slot it before your EDD, hopefully up to 2 weeks cause after week 38, labour can happen anytime. If you can wfh then stretch your workday as much as possible as you need it later. Your plan to share with hubs sounds good. It also depends on (1) what your arrangements after maternity ends in terms of help (2) how hands on your hubs is
Read moreI was working from home and eventually given approval to continue working from hm until i deliver. I informed my bosses that i will start my ML once i deliver. But i was admitted to hosp earlier and popped a day earlier before my edd. Will be clearing my ccl, family care leave, vacation leave and all my ML. Will only return back to work nxt year
Read moreI did not use my maternity leave before birth because it's very important for after birth as you need more rest and look after baby. My husband got 2 weeks paternity and he extended his leave by using his AL when I needed his help. Before birth, I was given Hospitalization Leave from my gynae at week 36 so to rest at home before birth.
Read moreFor my first child I worked from home 1 month leading up to delivery day and did not share any ML with my hubby as he has 2 wks paternity leave and I was the main caregiver anyway. I extended my ML on top of that and used my annual leave for a longer rest period too.
Initially I wanted to work right up to my edd date, but my gynae issued 2 weeks of HL as I needed bed rest. I didn't share any leave with my husb, and I'm glad I didn't. you will need all the maternity leave you can get and even that won't feel enough
Better to use ur maternity aft ur give birth. U will definitely have lack of sleep at night and u need that rest before gg to work again. If u can work till the day of ur labour, good for u. But for me, i use up all mine aft i give birth.
I didnt give any to my husband hahahaha.. cos he himself has 2 wks of paternity leave.. seriously 16 wks is not enough.. 14 wks will be worst for me 🤣 i did work until i was given HL.. so my ML were all used post birth.
1st one I took 5 days hl follow by 5 days leave then delivered. continued with 15 weeks maternity leave 2nd one work till I delivered. took 16 weeks maternity leave plus 4 weeks annual leave before going back to work
You can talk to your gynae and ask if can give HL (some gynae will give HL at week 37 onwards) so you can rest at home till your EDD so you can save up on your ML.