13 hour flight + 2 hour car ride during week 6
I just found out that I’m in week 5 of my pregnancy this morning. I have a trip planned for end of next week which involves long plane ride and 2 hour car ride (I will most likely have to drive). I however read that it’s not advisable to do such long trips early on as it increases risks of miscarriages. Does anyone have advice on this? #firsttimemom #advicepls #firstbaby

I also just realise I'm pregnant when I'm on the 5th days of work travel (20hrs flight w 1 transit, I still have another 2.5hrs car rides from hotel to the air before it) but I just let it be and let it be natural as I'm travelling w one of my colleague, also quite worried of she found out and tell the rest. I realise because I realise it have been two weeks delay for my period usually it was very on time. I just be more careful with what I eat and drink because that 5 days during work travel I did have light drinking, like one glass of alcohol. Now that I'm back in SG few days ago, I have contacted my doctor and only understand that I can only see her ard 11th July, the earliest slot for me. So, I feel just be more careful on the food you eat.. don't be too stressful should b ok
Read moreHey! I wasn’t aware I was pregnant when I went on my 10 days vacation (12hrs flight with 1 transit in between and car rides of 2+hrs) but I had a hunch since we were trying and I had missed my period for 2 days before we flew. So i didn’t manage to speak to any doctors beforehand! But because I suspected I was expecting, I tried to take things easy and stress-free and do a chill vacation instead. I also gave all the heavy liftings to my husband and started being careful of what I ate (no caffeine, no raw food, no alcohol etc). I’m now back in SG and have been to my first appt and so far so good! Of course, best to seek advice from your gynae first before flying - just rmb not to be stressed out and watch what u consume when u’re on ur trip!
Read moreI just came back from a 13 hour flight + multiple long bus rides on a 2 weeks long trip. I found out I was pregnant at 5 weeks, 4 days before my trip. I went ahead with my trip but took extra care. My symptoms were pretty mild, but I had brown discharge. Came back and did a scan at week 7.5, heard baby’s heartbeat for the first time :)
Read moreI just went on my trip too and found out I was preg. Just stay clear of the cold cuts and alcohol. Came back saw a gyane and all is well. Except during the long plane rides I had to keep moving my feet coz it gets numb.
Having the same problem here!! but travelling week 8-12. Scary. :( How long will you be away for?
I’m doing the same too, got an earlier appointment and going to ask the gynae about this, particularly since I will be away for a long time. Wondering if I should cut short or cancel my trip. :(