There is no right no wrong from what I read from above. Some mummies feed every 2 hourly for nb days while some like myself prefer to feed on demand. Either way is also fine. For this I think you have to let nanny know that you prefer by demand and would like her to cooperate because afterall she’s there for only a month and you’ll be the one handling baby after that. What do you mean by food that are not allowed during pregnancy? If she’s there it means you’ve given birth yea? After birth pretty much don’t have to avoid any food other than cold drinks I guess. That’s for me la.. But then again, everyone have different style and ways, if you have your preferred ways or foods to avoid, best to communicate with her. Afterall you’re paying her, you have the rights to voice out. And no, they are not always right.
Nothing is wrong on demand or schedule, up to parents. For me we try every 3hours but if LO wake up and ask to be fed earlier like i.e 2.5hours i will still give coz BM digested easily (i heard within 90mins). I prefer on schedule so we won’t be so tired. However nanny got ask me before if i prefer on demand or schedule before she trained my baby.