Can I eat Black Grapes ?
Can I eat Long Black Grapes during pregnancy ? Any mummys or mummy to be eat black grapes during your pregnancy ?

Even though it is supposed to be nutritious, it is not safe during pregnancy. If you must eat it, peel off the skin.
It should be alright! Don't eat papaya or water melon. In my country, people say eat those fruits are not good for pregnant women
Not sure bt in early pregnancy say 5 weeks i had few black grapes and i after that i had spotting problem..
You may refer to this article
Yes, resvaterol in the skin is a great source of antioxidant and studies have shown that it is anti ageing
No. Some sources claim the skin of grapes contains toxins and are not suitable during pregnancy.
It shld be fine. The only fruit that my prev gynae advised against was papaya & pineapple .
ok but in moderation. they’re quite sweet too!
I eat in moderation 😋
I ate without skin