Tested COVID+
Hi, I did ART thrice and tested COVID positive. What is the next step? Should I just visit the polyclinic or should I head straight to A&E? #advicepls #firstbaby

I got Covid in my week 20. I called my gynae first and she said there’s no cause for concern so long as I don’t have trouble breathing or high fever, and if I need to, normal flu meds and paracetamol is safe (though personally I chose not to take). To be socially responsible, I did an online video ART test with Kingston. And after day 7, I went onto the MOE website to record my positive result so that I can get certified as having recovered from Covid (for future vaccination and travel purposes). U don’t have to leave your home at all so long as your symptoms are mild.
Read moreI had Covid when I was 25 weeks pregnant. I went to my GP to get a PCR test. They prescribed me with the typical medication (e.g. flu, sore throat, runny nose) and gave me 5 days ML. During that period, a doctor from MOH also called for tele-consultations, just to check on your well-being. I think if your symptoms are mild and you’re not over 26 weeks, the doctor would recommend you to do a home recovery programme. Hope you feel better soon!
Read moreGo to ur nearest GP will do.dont forget to inform doc that u r preggy.take care.
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