NUH birth ward
I currently in 25 weeks 4 days pregnancy with twins. And under subsidy in NUH. I intend to took up 1 bedder. Is it possible with subsidy? If not how much total bill estimated cost?

You’ll be converted to a private patient, I think both for the delivery and ward charges. I delivered in Sept 2019 and stayed for 1 night. Everything ward related (room+treatment+consumables+doctos’ fees+tests+medications) came up to about $1535. The delivery fee (normal vaginal deivery) +epidural was about $2527. I delivered pretty quickly so this didn’t add on the additional hourly charges for longer labours. Essentially it’s >$4k for an uncomplicated delivery with a stay of 1 night. There’s financial counselling in the clinic. You can ask them for the estimated cost too:)
Read moreI think all 1 bedders are only for private patient