Do you visit different gynaes in 1st trimester and do the same scans in each visit?

Can I check if its ok to visit 3 diff gynaes across my week 6 to week 9 then decide which one i want to go with later? Do you do all the same scans when you go for 1st consultation with new gynaes? Is it possible to skip on any procedure if I see a new gynae for 1st consult to save cost since I just want to consult and then decide who to go with eventually? #pleasehelp #1stimemom #firstbaby #advicepls

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I went with one since it was recommended by my mum. It’s okay to visit 3 different gynaes in the early stage. You will most probably go thru the same thing 3 times, paying 3 consultations fees. Only difference is that you can request not to take the supplements given to save cost for second and third gynae. Regardless whether you do the scan on first visit or not, consultations charges are charged 😂

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