What would you do when your child asks a lot questions?
What would you do when your child asks a lot questions?
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Answer them
Scold them
Ignore their questions
Not Respond to their questions
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combination - answering them, asking them what they think and helping them work out the answer themselves, pointing them to resources where they can look it up and then ask them to tell me what they find.

I will be patience and try to answer them.. because i want my kids to learn and be curious about the world

Depend on situation. If they ask during my busy time, I have no choice to no answer.

Answer them as curiosity should be tended to in a child growing up

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Throw back the questions to them. Let them think. ☺️

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put away everything and give him my undivided attention

Try my best to answer her questions as much as I can

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Answer them or let other family members answer

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Try my best to answer them if not ask my hubs


answer them if i know the answer that is 😅