Visit To Gynae

How many times did you visit to the gynae during first trimester? Paranoid as want to see how's the baby inside. Any new mum here have the same feeling?

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once a month, unless u have spotting or bleeding then will be once every 2 weeks.

every 2 weeks..coz I have bleeding inside so i have to be monitor every 2 weeks


Every 3-4 weeks. Relax and enjoy your lo growing inside you.

About 5-6x. Initially unstable, after that every 3 weeks

Every 2weeks since I know I’m pregnant since weeks 5

First trimester. I visited when I was week 8. 2times?

Super Mum

The visit should be ard 4 weeks during 1st trimester

Once a month according to the appt given by gynae.

VIP Member

mine like 10 times plus, cos I have bleeding at 10 weeks

5y ago

more than 10 times, lol


Around 3 times in total during first trimester