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How long was your first child labour?

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Hi there! My first child's labor was about 12 hours long. It started with mild contractions that gradually became stronger and more frequent. I found that staying active and moving around helped to manage the pain during early labor. Once I was in active labor, I focused on deep breathing and used different positions to help with the intensity of the contractions. My midwife also suggested taking a warm shower or bath, which provided some relief. One thing that really helped me was having a supportive birth partner who could provide comfort and encouragement throughout the process. It's important to have a birth plan but also be flexible, as things may not go exactly as expected. Remember to communicate your preferences with your healthcare team, and don't hesitate to ask for pain relief if you need it. Overall, every labor experience is different, and it's important to listen to your body and do what feels right for you. Just know that once it's all over, you'll have the most incredible reward waiting for you. Good luck, and remember to take care of yourself during this special time! https://invl.io/cll6she

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26 hours....i even got so egoistic for not using epidural because i thought i was progressing and i ended up giving in. that long hours of slow dilation 🥲🥲🥲 i don't understand how i was able to handle the pain. second one coming out soon and i'm really nervous of the thought of the long labour i had and the contraction pain.

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water broke at 4am and my baby came out at 9am, i was told that i've been pushing for 2 hours and the rest of the hours i was dilating and it really felt like constipation , it get really strong at after 5 cm dilation 😄

10mo ago

u can do thisss🤍

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19 hours from water breaking to her birth, but 2 hours of active labour

Almost 15h from start of contractions to actual birth

21 hours, induced

6 hours, induced.

3 hours, induced