Storing expressed breast milk

How do you store expressed breast milk? #nursing #breastmilk #breastmilkstorage

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After pumping refrigerate your milk right away. Combine several pumpings in one container by adding cold to cold. Milk expands as it freezes, so leave space at the top if you plan to freeze. Horizontal bags may save space. Store in the back of the freezer away from sides, where temperature is most steady. If milk separates, swirl (don’t shake) to redistribute cream before feeding. Use the oldest frozen milk first to keep it from getting too old. If storing in the fridge it can keep for 3-8 days (depending on where in the fridge and temperature) If storing in the freezer compartment of the fridge - can keep for 2 weeks if storing in a separate freezer compartment - can keep for 3-6 months If storing in deep freezer can keep for 6 months

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