How do I deal with breathlessness?

It all depends on the cause of your breathlessness. Common causes include anemia, asthma and heart problems. Even if you do not have any of these issues, your lungs may feel some restriction to inhalation expansion as your womb is growing bigger. Patients tend to take smaller breaths, which could result in feeling breathless as well and some eventually get used to it. To make it better, the patient should be healthy and active so that there is a lower tendency to feel breathlessness. Certainly, if you're breathles other than in pregnancy alone, we will have to assess for any possible reason that's treatable such as anemia which is very common. To alleviate this problem is to stay healthy and to start exercising early. When you start exercising early, your lung capacity build up so you may not feel so breathless. You should continue exercising throughout your pregnancy.
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