Waiting for next appt
How do you cope or feel about baby growth while waiting for next appt? I just had my appt oj 13th Feb and next appt is 27th Mar.. like 1.5 mths to wait... do u guys wait this long?

While waiting to see the doctors for another ultrasound to see the little one, i rely on this app to tell me how my baby is growing in my body, and i think it is very interesting. I'll take note of the baby size that the app shows me and then ask the doctor how big the little one is during U/S to make sure he/she is developing well. The anticipation is still bearable 😊
Read moreI just had my appt on 26 Feb and the next one is 15 Apr, I guess it’s normal since things are supposed to stabilise in the second tri.
I had my appointment in 20feb and the next appointment is 22March. Guess will hv more detailed scan for second trimester
I once made another appointment before the next checkup, just to see my baby 😊