What to bring for birth in kkh
Hihi! I'm delivering in kkh. May I know what do I need to bring as I'm ftm here. Do I need to bring breast pump? As I heard the nurse will teach how to use it? What documents do I need to bring ya? Do I need to bring birth cert, marriage cert etc? Thanks for ur advises :)

I brought breast pump but didn’t use at all because was so exhausted. They will tell you to rest and skin to skin with baby.. little chance to use the pump. They even lent me hospital pump instead to stimulate milk but also only tris once.. hand expressing was faster because it was only colostrum (milk kicked in only post discharge). Nurses can teach but they will teach you to latch instead of pumping. Bring your admission papers, marriage cert can be e-copy. which birth cert you want to bring?? 😂😂 you have IC already why need birth cert
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